Thursday, March 6, 2008

Vermont Superdelegate for Obama

"BURLINGTON, VT –Ian Carleton, a superdelegate from Vermont, announced he is supporting Senator Barack Obama for President today, citing his ability to unite the country:

“Vermonters overwhelmingly embraced Senator Obama's message of hope and change in our State's primary earlier this week, and so it is with great excitement and optimism that I pledge my support for Barack Obama. Since the very beginning of his campaign I, along with so many Vermonters, have been deeply moved by Senator Obama's commitment to moving beyond the negative partisan rhetoric that has sadly characterized our nation's politics for so long. His leadership and vision for a more productive and decent future is exactly what this nation needs at this moment in history.”

Ian Carleton is the Chairman of the Vermont Democratic Party and an attorney at firm Sheehey Furlong & Behm in Burlington."


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