Wednesday, March 5, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: Final Texas delegate count not available until March 29th County conventions (current status: 56% to 44% in favor of Obama)

AUSTIN -- Obama Texas State Director Adrian Saenz issued a statement on the projected primary and caucus results that show Senator Obama won more Texas delegates than Senator Clinton.

“By fighting the primary to a near-draw and earning a resounding victory in the caucus, the people of Texas have moved Barack Obama one step closer to claiming the Democratic nomination for president,” said Adrian Saenz. “Texans in both parties and of all ages sent a clear message that the American people are ready for the kind of change that Barack Obama will bring to Washington, DC as our 44th President."

Because of the close finish, Senator Clinton will likely net only two delegates up-for-grabs in the Texas Primary. Based on a large sample of caucus results in all 31 state senate districts, Senator Obama is projected to post a substantial victory in the Texas caucus and, thereby, net at least seven delegates. This means that Senator Obama will win at least five more pledged delegates from Texas than Senator Clinton."


UPDATE: Projections released Wednesday indicate that Obama would receive 98 Texas delegates to Clinton's 95. Including elected officials and party leaders with automatic "superdelegate" status, the candidates appeared roughly even at 107 Texas delegates each, with about 13 superdelegates uncommitted.


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