Saturday, March 8, 2008

Barack Obama on Bill Foster's Victory in IL-14

Bill Foster has won the special election in Illinois Congressional District 14 today. Barack had earlier endorsed Bill Foster, and tonight Barack released the following statement:

"I want to congratulate my friend Bill Foster on winning his race for Congress. As a distinguished scientist and successful businessman, Congressman-elect Foster has demonstrated the kind of vision and leadership we need in Washington. And his victory today shows that change is sweeping this country. By electing him to a traditionally Republican seat – a seat that former Speaker Dennis Hastert held for 20 years – the people of Illinois have sent an unmistakable message that they're tired of business-as-usual in Washington. I look forward to fighting side-by-side with Congressman-elect Foster to end the Iraq war, to take immediate steps to strengthen our economy, and to bring about real change not just in Illinois, but all across America."


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