Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Another Georgia Superdelegate Endorses Barack Obama !

"Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama has scored another superdelegate from Georgia.

Democratic National Committee member Mary Long told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution she will back the senator from Illinois in his quest for the Democratic nomination for president.

Long was one of five Georgia superdelegates yet to choose between Obama and U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.).

"This year, Democrats are graced with the opportunity to choose among excellent candidates for our nation's highest office," Long said. "After careful thought, it is my honor today to endorse Sen. Barack Obama who, day by day and state by state, is challenging politics as usual and engaging so many new, diverse, Democratic voters."

These new voters, Long said, will help elect Democrats on the state and local level. Long said she will be "on the side of history" when she casts her superdelegate's vote for Obama at the party's national convention in August."


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