Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Obama Confronted Lieberman Over Muslim Smears

According to Newsweek, Obama gave Joe Lieberman a piece of his mind on the Senate floor, particularly about the Connecticut senator implicit willingness to let smears against Obama fester:

In a brief but animated Senate floor confrontation last week, according to a campaign aide who asked for anonymity when talking about private discussions, Obama told Lieberman he was surprised by Lieberman's personal attacks and his half-hearted denials of the false rumors that Obama is a Muslim. (The aide says Lieberman was "strangely muted" during the exchange; a Lieberman spokesman says the chat was "private and friendly.") McCain spokeswoman Jill Hazelbaker says Lieberman "played a key role in reaching out to the Jewish community in the primary ... and you can expect that will continue."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will Obama be the next president of the United States?I guess he will.