Monday, May 19, 2008

MccainPedia: A project of the Democratic Party

" is a wiki-

[ wi·ki -noun-  plural wikis : A collaborative website whose content can be edited by anyone(this wiki though is read only you can't edit it) who has access to it. ]

-run by the DNC's Research, Communications, and Internet teams. The goal is to centralize research material, allowing the general public to use it as they see fit

Why is this site here?

The Democratic Party continues to lead the way in using the Internet to change politics. In the past, research by candidates and political parties was hidden from the public and couldn't be accessed by voters trying to figure out how they should vote, by activists looking to influence the election, or by bloggers trying to find good research to help write their blogs. With this resource, which will be constantly updated with additional material through the election, we are embracing the idea that opening up our resources is the best way to engage voters and elect a Democrat to the White House.

Wikis have become the best way for a team of people to collaborate and share knowledge with one another. Not only have we seen this with Wikipedia, which is the world's largest encyclopedia, by also in government with projects such as Intellipedia, which -- though not open to the public -- is used by various agencies in the Intelligence community in order to share information.
Why a John McCain wiki?
John McCain has been anything but transparent during the course of his campaign. From tax returns that he refuses to disclose to his failure to fully explain how he's going to pay for his massive tax cuts for corporations, he's attempting to avoid very basic levels of scrutiny. Because his goal is to hide facts about his policies and his record, we've made those available to everybody so that the American people can see for themselves that John McCain is offering a third Bush term."

check out MccainPedia by clicking here

1 comment:

realanswers said...

Do you believe that it is correct to call this site McCain (“pedia”) as in encyclopedia? I would assume that the DNC does not want to paint a positive picture of McCain, therefore the “facts” they post on the site would be based on subjective selectivity. In that case, it would be more accurate to call the site McCainSlamBook. Besides the name, I have no problem with the DNC’s project.